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Media Arts, 01-03-2018

Warm-Up: Based on what you've seen so far, list the top 4 videos that should be entered into the PGCPS Film Festival. Support your answer for the top video. (Answer in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
    2. Your Final Cut for the festival is due 16 days from now, on Friday, 1/19.
      1. Next step is a critique of your THIRD Rough Cut.
        1. You only have two more Rough Cuts after this one. On the 19th, you will be handing in your FINAL CUT of what you expect to showcase in our Film Festival. 
        2. You have all made Google Forms to collect your own criticism.
          1. YOU will be grading the criticism that is submitted based on how helpful it is to you.
            1. 5 points for creating the form.
              ►Form records email address and allows one submission per person. (Those of you who did not do this did not collect gradeable responses.)
              ►Form identifies AT LEAST 3 CHANGES and asks the reviewer's opinion on each. (Those of you who did not do this have responses that are less helpful.)
              ►Form asks for SPECIFIC positive criticism.
              ►Form asks for SPECIFIC constructive criticism.
              ►Form has additional content (custom look, additional question, etc.)
            3. 15 points for grading responses to your form.
              1. 1 point per graded response, regardless of the grade given.
              2. Give a single point if you think the criticism given was helpful to you. Give zero points if you think the criticism was NOT specific enough to be helpful.
              3. Do not submit your sheet until you are done grading.
            4. 15 points for submitting responses on other forms.
              1. 1 point per graded response. Your response has to pass (see above) for it to count.
        3. The point value has increased because the need for good, constructive feedback has increased.
    3. Homework
      1. Due 01-05-2018
      2.  LOOK AT YOUR ROUGH CUT CRITICISM! It can help you make this next video better.
        1. 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
        2. 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
        3. 5 pts: Visuals (Title & credits? Can the audience see what's going on?  Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?)
        4. 5 pts: Video is a NEW AND IMPROVED "Rough Cut" of your Film Festival entry. No points can be earned without improvements made.
      3. We will be continuing our revisions up until JANUARY 19th, the Friday before the Film Festival.
  3. Work Time
    1. Homework Criticism
        1. There are 20 videos to watch, allowing for up to 5 points of extra credit if you provide helpful critiques to everyone.
        2. This is the home stretch. Slacking off is not suggested.