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Media Arts 12-13-2017

Warm-Up: How does "off task" behavior hurt you? (Answer in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. ELO
    1. Every Thursday
    2. Stay prepared to get work done
  3.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
      1. Next step is a critique of your FIRST Rough Cut.
        1. We will be making Google Forms for you to collect your own criticism.
          1. YOU will be grading the criticism that is submitted based on how helpful it is to you.
            1. 5 points for creating the form.
              1. Rubric (1 Point Each):
                ►Form records email address.
                ►Form asks for changes that have been made since Initial Assembly. (Can be multiple choice.)
                ►Form asks for SPECIFIC positive criticism.
                ►Form asks for SPECIFIC constructive criticism.
                ►Form has additional content (custom look, additional question, etc.)
            2. 10 points for grading responses to your form.
              1. 1 point per graded response, regardless of the grade given.
              2. Give a single point if you think the criticism given was helpful to you. Give zero points if you think the criticism was NOT specific enough to be helpful.
              3. Do not submit your sheet until you are done grading.
            3. 10 points for submitting responses on other forms.
              1. 1 point per graded response. Your response has to pass (see above) for it to count.
        2. Next week we will be critiquing IMPROVED rough cuts by comparing them to the rough cuts that were due last week.
    2. Homework
      1. Due 12-15-2017 (FRIDAY!)
      2.  LOOK AT YOUR ROUGH CUT CRITICISM! It can help you make this next video better.
        1. 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
        2. 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
        3. 5 pts: Visuals (Title & credits? Can the audience see what's going on?  Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?)
        4. 5 pts: Video is an IMPROVED "Rough Cut" of your Film Festival entry. No points can be earned without improvements made.
      3. Next week's homework will be a NEW REVISED Rough Cut, taking this week's criticism into account. The rubric will be posted on Saturday morning.
  4. Work Time
    1. Homework Criticism
      1. Formatting your response sheet makes it easier to grade.
        1. Create a sheet by clicking on the green button in the "Responses" tab of your form.
        2. Select all cells, the turn on "Word Wrap."
        3. You might also want to add thicker border lines.
        4. Your first blank column should be labeled "Score."
        5. You can add conditional formatting to make it change color based on your score.
      2. Complete critique forms for other students.
        1. All videos have something good worth saying.
        2. All videos have room for improvement.
        3. Write like your answer is important.
        4. There are 19 videos to critique. It's best to watch and critique ALL of them so you can earn the highest possible score.