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Media Arts 11-13-2017

Warm-Up: How do you think 2nd Quarter will be different from 1st Quarter? WHY? (Answer this in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. ELO
    1. Most Thursdays
    2. Wait for announcement to dismiss you.
    3. Come prepared to work on something that can be graded.
  3. Seats
    1. New assigned seats are coming.
    2. Make sure your work is backed up in Google Drive.
  4. Media Day
    1. November 16th
    2. Remember to bring a lunch if you did not request that a bag lunch be provided from the cafeteria. Food WILL NOT BE served there.
    3. PGCCC Media Release Forms (In addition to PGCPS Forms) need to be completed and returned ASAP.
    4. The bus will leave here at 9:30AM with or without us.
    5. We should return before 1:15, so be prepared for your afternoon classes.
  5.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
      1. Start planning NOW. Your storyboard is due THIS FRIDAY!
      2. Storyboard Rubric:
        5 ►Storyboard fits one of the official categories for the PGCPS Film Festival.
        5 ►Storyboard is properly formatted, including text placement, character placement/position, set design, camera angles,etc.).
        10 ►Storyboard demonstrates skills and techniques taught while the student has been a Media Arts Major. (This is planning for the Midterm. SHOW OFF WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED!)
      3. During the last 15 minutes of class (or earlier, if you finish your storyboard today...) trade storyboards with a classmate and provide POSITIVE and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism. Write both as a comment in the Google Classroom Storyboard assignment, along with the name of the student who gave the criticism.
    2. Homework
      1. 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
      2. 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
      3. 5 pts: Visuals (Title & credits? Can the audience see what's going on?  Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?)
      4. 5 pts: Video should be a documentary of a parent or guardian doing something interesting.
  6. Work Time
  7. Waiting for something to process? Work on one of these activities while you wait.