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Media Arts 11-08-2017

Warm-Up: Look at the Film Festival categories. Which TWO categories are the most appealing to you, AND WHY? (Answer this in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. ELO
    1. Most Thursdays
    2. Thursday (11/9) is canceled.
      1. Last day of Q1.
      2. Time needed for grading your work.
  3. Media Day
    1. November 16th
    2. Remember to bring a lunch if you did not request that a bag lunch be provided from the cafeteria. Food WILL NOT BE served there.
  4.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
      2. Start planning NOW. Your storyboard is due NEXT WEEK!
        1. Storyboard Rubric:
          5 ►Storyboard fits one of the official categories for the PGCPS Film Festival.
          5 ►Storyboard is properly formatted, including text placement, character placement/position, set design, camera angles,etc.).
          10 ►Storyboard demonstrates skills and techniques taught while the student has been a Media Arts Major. (This is planning for the Midterm. SHOW OFF WHAT YOU'VE LEARNED!)
      3. Categories:
        1. Under-A-Minute Challenge (most competition)
        2. Silent Film (music for use)
        3. Documentary/Informative (educational PSA or documentary)
        4. Broadcast (news show)
        5. Feature ("A dramatic work in which the central motif is the triumph over adverse circumstance, resulting in a successful or happy conclusion - the greatest story ever told. ")
    2. Homework
      1. No homework this week. Start planning your Film Festival Entry.
    3. Music Video Storyboard
      1. Fixes due by TOMORROW.
      2. Many of you missed shots in your storyboards.
      3. Many of you spent more time finding the storyboard that would teach you the LEAST than you did actually working on your storyboard.
    4. Homework Critiques
      1. Were due Monday.
      2. ALL 16 videos were to be reviewed.
      3. Credit was not given for sentences missing capitalization or punctuation.
      4. Credit was not given if you copy/pasted your answers.
      5. Credit was not given if your positive/constructive criticism contradicted each other or was too vague. ("The best part was the audio. Make the audio better.")
  5. Work Time
  6. Waiting for something to process? Work on one of these activities while you wait.