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Media Arts 9-28-2017

Warm-Up:  At this point you should be done or almost done with your Door Scene project. What is something you learned while working on it? (Answers along the lines of "I didn't learn anything" will not earn credit.) (Answer this question in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. Goals
    1. Grades
    2. Learning
    3. Doing
  3. Guidelines
    1. Avoid trademarks & logos. (While this will not result in a zero for most projects, it is a non-negotiable for the PGCPS Film Festival.)
    2. Black borders are to be avoided. (Video, with very specific exceptions, is a HORIZONTAL format.)
    3. Talking heads are to be avoided. (People can be on camera, but add variety.)
    4. Proofread EVERYTHING. (A typo in a report? Embarrassing. A typo on the big screen? Devastating.)
    5. Plan ahead. (One minute of planning is worth 5 minutes of post processing. Use your time wisely.)
    6. Hide your mistakes. (If it can go in a blooper reel, it shouldn’t be in your final product. If you flub a line, do it over.)
    7. Don’t zoom in if you can walk closer. (You will have a steadier shot and better audio.)
    8. NEVER use a digital zoom. (No, really. Only do this if you want your video to look bad.)
    9. Turn off your built-in flash, and leave it off. (Over 30 ft away, the only thing a flash does is annoy people. Under 30 ft, it annoys people and gives you bad photos.)
    10. Make each project something you would be proud to show to others. (Media is meant to be shared.)
  4. ELO today
    1. Permission slips needed to attend.
    2. (Not as important this week as Thurs is an A day, but...) WAIT TO BE DISMISSED! This is important for ANY after school activities. You do not pick your dismissal time.
  5. Suggested Software
  6.  Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
    2. Homework
      1. This week's homework:
        1. 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
        2. 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
        3. 5 pts: Visuals (Title & credits?Can the audience see what's going on?  Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?)
        4. 5 pts: Video should be formatted like a news program with at least 1 segment (but no more than 2) where the News Anchor cuts to a reporter "in the field."
          1. The news covered can be silly or serious, but the cast should act like it's serious regardless.
    3.  Door Scene
      1. Storyboard was due: 9-15-2017
        1. Plot:
          1. Character approaches door.
          2. Character cannot open door.
          3. Character struggles to open door.
          4. Character gets through door.
        2. Shots:
          1. Title
          2. Credits
          3. Establishing shot
          4. Close-Up shot
          5. Extreme Closeup shot
          6. Over The Shoulder shot
      2. Final cut of video due TOMORROW!
        1. Upload to same "Door Scene" assignment in Google Classroom where you put your storyboards.
        2. Unsubmit, then add the video without deleting the storyboard or rubric, then resubmit.
  7. Work Time
  8. Waiting for something to process? Work on one of these activities while you wait.