Warm-Up: Give more than one reason other than grades for meeting deadlines. (Answer this question in Google Classroom.)
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- Warm-Up (See above)
- Last Week's Lectures
- Why?
- Word Wall
- Over 100 responses were given.
- Your answers are slowly being added.
- Google is not a source.
- Definitions that don't involve technology were not accepted.
- Goals
- Grades
- Learning
- Doing
- Storyboarding
- Paper Rough Draft
- 1 minute of pre-production (planning) is worth AT LEAST 5 minutes of post-production.
- Avoid "What if we ..." and "How should we..." during production.
- Do not assume we should be less organized than the Dance & Drama majors if you want to be in the Film Festival.
- NO word bubbles unless you intend to add them in post-production.
- Shot examples
- Medium Shot
- Close Up
- Extreme Close Up
- Establishing Shot
- Over The Shoulder Shot
- Paper Rough Draft
- Assignments
- Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
- Homework
- DUE Friday!
- 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
- 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
- 5 pts: Visuals (Can the audience see what's going on? Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?
- 5 pts: Video should be a YouTube style vlog entry where you are showing off something cool you've done recently that did not involve a computer or game console.
- Door Scene
- Storyboard Due: 9-15-2017
- Plot:
- Character approaches door.
- Character cannot open door.
- Character struggles to open door.
- Character gets through door.
- Shots:
- Title
- Credits
- Establishing shot
- Close-Up shot
- Extreme Closeup shot
- Over The Shoulder shot
- Plot:
- Final cut of video due: 9-29-2017
- Storyboard Due: 9-15-2017
- Work Time