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Media Arts 9-12-2017

Warm-Up: Give more than one reason other than grades for meeting deadlines. (Answer this question in Google Classroom.)

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Today's Agenda

  1. Warm-Up (See above)
  2. Last Week's Lectures
    1. Why?
  3. Word Wall
    1. Over 100 responses were given.
    2. Your answers are slowly being added.
      1. Google is not a source.
      2. Definitions that don't involve technology were not accepted.
  4. Goals
    1. Grades
    2. Learning
    3. Doing
  5.  Storyboarding
    1. Paper Rough Draft
      1. 1 minute of pre-production (planning) is worth AT LEAST 5 minutes of post-production.
      2. Avoid "What if we ..." and "How should we..." during production.
      3. Do not assume we should be less organized than the Dance & Drama majors if you want to be in the Film Festival.
    2. NO word bubbles unless you intend to add them in post-production.
    3. Shot examples
      1. Medium Shot
      2. Close Up
      3. Extreme Close Up
      4. Establishing Shot
      5. Over The Shoulder Shot
  6. Assignments
    1. Film Festival, January 24th (Midterm)
    2. Homework
      1. DUE Friday!
      2. 5 pts: Pacing (Is it so slow the audience gets bored? Is it so fast the audience misses things?)
      3. 5 pts: Audio (Is the dialogue clearly spoken? Do other sounds drown the dialogue out? Do the sounds help reinforce the plot?
      4. 5 pts: Visuals (Can the audience see what's going on?  Do the shot choices direct the audience's focus in ways that help move the plot along? Are the transitions distracting?
      5. 5 pts: Video should be a YouTube style vlog entry where you are showing off something cool you've done recently that did not involve a computer or game console.
    3.  Door Scene
      1. Storyboard Due: 9-15-2017
        1. Plot:
          1. Character approaches door.
          2. Character cannot open door.
          3. Character struggles to open door.
          4. Character gets through door.
        2. Shots:
          1. Title
          2. Credits
          3. Establishing shot
          4. Close-Up shot
          5. Extreme Closeup shot
          6. Over The Shoulder shot
      2. Final cut of video due: 9-29-2017
  7. Work Time