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Media Arts, 5-24-2017


Take this quiz based on the agenda below.

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  1. Sonic-Pi seems like a fun program, but you should only be using it if all of your other projects are done.
    1. This includes the Final.
    2. Some of you already earned low grades because you decided to play with Sonic-Pi instead of working hard on your storyboards. Don't do this.
  2. PICO-8 is kind of fun, too. I have installed it on some computers already. I may install it on more this week.
  3. Series Video 17
    1. Due Friday.
  4. Final
    1. DUE FRIDAY!
    2. 100 point assessment grade.
      1. All assessments averaged together are 20% of your 4th Quarter grade.
      2. Your critiques have been 20 point assessments.
      3. Your Network News Storyboard or Video project is a 100 point assessment. It's the only other big assessment grade for 4th Quarter.
    3. 8th Graders with jobs from Ms. Hogue: She needs to tell me she's happy with your work by Friday, May 26. Later than that and it won't be shown in the promotion ceremony for the first time since I started having a major. THIS IS YOUR FINAL.
    4. Everyone else:
      1. This final should be completed using Google Slides. The content is more important than the technical issues. If you get stuck, ASK FOR HELP.
      2. The rubric asks for projects that have earned an A. If you don't have enough projects that qualify, then spend some time contemplating why you did not resubmit those projects with the necessary changes when you had the opportunity to do so. THIS IS A SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT THAT TAKES YOUR WORK FOR THIS SCHOOL YEAR INTO ACCOUNT.
      3. The rubric below lists exactly what I’m looking for. For example, the first slide in your presentation NEEDS to include your name. That will be an embarrassing 20 points off if you forget it.
        • 20% 1st slide contains student's name.
        • 20% Slides 2-6 each contain ONE project (You can include up to one Series Video. Normally homework wouldn't count at all for this.) made in class that has earned an A. (In the case of video projects a screen captured image is acceptable, but you should also remember how to embed videos.)
        • 20% Slides 2-6 each contain ONE sentence explaining what the student liked about that project.
        • 20% Slides 2-6 each contain ONE sentence explaining what they would improve if they did the project over.
        • 20% Slide 7 includes whatever parting comments the student has for Mr. Smith. BE HONEST.