Take this quiz based on the agenda below.
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- Canceled until after PARCC testing. (Next ELO is next week.)
- Series Video 13
- Due Today.
- Series Video 12
- Critiques and videos are all graded. Scores are going into Classroom and SchoolMax as time allows.
- Storyboards
- Mixed Shots Storyboards are graded. Scores will be in SchoolMax soon.
- Network News storyboard is a LOT of shots. Hand in a single page and there's no way it will pass.
- Video Project
- Do NOT hand in a video if you do not have a qualifying storyboard. It will earn a zero.
- ALL possible storyboards for the Video Project are past due. If you don't have a qualifying storyboard yet, you aren't going to have one for THIS video. Do the Network News assignment instead.
- For those who will say "I can't work on my video here...."
- Are you in 8th grade? If so, do you have a project that Ms. Hogue has asked you to do?
- Also (regardless of your grade...)
- Find a YouTube video tutorial showing how to do something cool in Inkscape that's new and interesting to you. (DO NOT USE A TUTORIAL I'VE MADE! FIND SOMETHING NEW!)
- Follow the tutorial to make your own version of that cool thing.
- After you've followed the tutorial, write up a review of the tutorial focusing on what you liked and didn't like regarding the video's clarity of instruction, pacing, audio, and video quality. it is not expected to be long winded.
- I will want to see 3 things:
- A link to the tutorial you used.
- Your cool Inkscape creation, exported as a png file.
- Your short review of the tutorial.
- This assignment is currently repeatable.