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Media Arts, 3/10/2017


List four (4) things that all fit in the same category and would look good together on a website.

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  1. Field Trip
    1. Permission slips due TODAY, 3/10.
    2. Bring your own bag lunch, or arrange for a bag lunch from our cafeteria. (Let me know if you need one of those.)
    3. Money is due by Monday, 3/14.
  2. Web Page Title Graphic REVISED
    1. Due TODAY!
    2. Only those who handed in something last week have this opportunity.
    3. “Zero rewards for zero effort” adheres with PGCPS grading policy.
  3. Series Video  7
    1. Due TODAY!
    2. Several of you decided to see if I’d notice when you submitted old videos I had already graded. Those students have some zeroes to explain to their parents.
  4. Self-Promotion Slide
    1. A comment was added to everyone's project.
    2. A + means you earned those points.
    3. A - means you didn't earn them.
    4. If you didn't earn all 50, fix your work TODAY!
      1. (There will be no "Revised" version of this assignment. Today is your last opportunity to fix your work.)
  5. Site Design
    1. Due TODAY!
    2. 10 points ► Student submits a Google Slides Presentation with AT LEAST 5 Slides that fit a common theme.
    3. 10 points ► ALL slides use the same (non-default) colors and fonts, selected both for legibility and appearance.
    4. 10 points ► ALL slides include a menu that can be used to reach any other slide.
    5. 10 points ► ALL slides make good use of space, including images, embedded videos, and/or text that relate to the selected theme.
    6. 10 points ► The first slide is set up as the Home page, with a large title and image that fit the selected theme.
    7. While it is not in the rubric, remember that inclusion of copyrighted material (or work that is not properly credited) will result in a zero.
      1. I should not have to remind anyone of this.
      2. If you embed a video that earned a zero for copyrighted material, that counts as wanting a zero.