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Media Arts 3/6/2017


List three (3) reasons why you might want to have a website. (Saying you don't want a website will not earn you credit. If you DID want one, why would you want it?)

PGCPS Gmail Login | Student SchoolMax Login


  1. Field Trip
    1. Permission slips due THIS FRIDAY, 3/10.
    2. Bring your own bag lunch, or arrange for a bag lunch from our cafeteria. (Let me know if you need one of those.)
  2. Previous Projects
    1. Graded
    2. Everything's in SchoolMax.
    3. Thank you for your patience.
  3. Web Page Title Graphic REVISED
    1. Due Friday
    2. Only those who handed in something last week have this opportunity.
    3. "Zero rewards for zero effort" adheres with PGCPS grading policy.
  4. Series Video  7
    1. Due FRIDAY!
    2. Several of you decided to see if I'd notice when you submitted old videos I had already graded. Those students have some zeroes to explain to their parents.
  5. Web Design
    1. Almost all of you improved your grades on the 2nd attempt, some of you remarkably so.
    2. Even students insisting they didn't understand managed to improve.
    3. With that said, we're going to take a break from HTML code to let our brains recover for a bit.
  6. Self-Promotion Slide
    1. Here's your chance to assert that you are all that and a bag of chips.
    2. Rubric:
      1. 10 points ► Student submits a Google Slides Presentation with ONLY 1 slide on it.
        1. We're using this as a way to plan out the formatting for a single web page, so we don't need more than one slide.
      2. 10 points ► Student does NOT use the default fonts or themes from Google Slides.
        1. Move text boxes around!
        2. Make good use of space!
        3. Viewers should be focused on your content, not how nice the background looks!
      3. 10 points ► Slide contains a large (taking up 40-50% or more of the slide) image of the student looking their best.
      4. 10 points ► Slide contains an embedded video showing how great they are.
        1. You can embed previously created videos directly from Google Drive. If you did the Series Intro assignment, this might be a good time to use it.
        2. Don't use a video that has other people in it. Make this all about you.
      5. 10 points ► Slide contains contact information.
        1. IMPORTANT: I don't want you to make stuff up, but I don't want you to give out personal information either.
        2. Your PGCPS email address is enough to meet this requirement.
          1. A link to an email address begins with mailto: instead of http://.
          2. So a link to my email address would be
        3. If you have a parent-approved YouTube channel, you can use a link to that as well.