Warm-Up: List 3 things you intend to do differently this Semester (in regards to Media Arts) that will make your life easier.
The "art" of being lazy.
- Technology is meant to make our lives easier.
- If our lives are made HARDER through technology, SOMEONE is doing something wrong.
- It could be you.
- It could be the person who made the technology.
- It could be someone else.
- It stands to reason that people who enjoy technology prefer to do things the "easy" way.
- This can be seen as smart.
- This can also be seen as lazy.
- TRUE laziness is the desire to do as little work as possible while avoiding negative repercussions for being lazy.
- A low grade for repeating the same mistake over again is a negative repercussion.
- Having to spend 5+ more minutes editing because you couldn't spend an extra minute of pre-production is a negative repercussion.
- Running out of time because you waited too long to start is a negative repercussion.
- Having to do the project over is a negative repercussion.
- It is OK to be lazy.
- Same quality work done in less time? Nothing wrong here.
- It is NOT OK to be BAD at being lazy.
- This leads to MORE work for you OR grades so low you might be removed from Foulois.
- Film Festival Fix
- Some of you will be resubmitting your Film Festival submissions.
- This is a NEW grade. Your Midterm is set in stone.
- Resubmitting students fit into two categories:
- Your video has a good chance of being selected with some minor tweaks, OR...
- You are being given a chance to show Ms. Hogue, Mr. Smith, and your parents that you can put effort into a video.
- A full minute of a single shot with no editing other than title and credits does not show that you can put effort into a video.
- This description does not single out any one student.
- Due in two weeks. Start planning or (in some cases) editing TODAY.
- Series Intro
- Students not assigned the Film Festival Fix will make an introduction to their homework series.
- This is classwork, NOT homework. (It's worth more.)
- This isn't busywork. YouTube asks creators to make an introduction video that's around 1 minute in length.
- Use animated title. (Pay attention, we're going over them today.)
- Introduce yourself.
- Go over broad-reaching goals of your series.
- Show sample clips as B-Roll. (This is due when your 2nd series video is due. You'll have material if you're on track.
- The same rules apply about copyright and citation.
- Due in 2 weeks. Start scripting (or making/fixing your animated title) TODAY.
- Students not assigned the Film Festival Fix will make an introduction to their homework series.
- NEW Homework Rubric:
- 25% Video should be 1-15 minutes in total run time (TRT)
- 25% Video should have an animated title card and credits that DO NOT exceed 10 seconds.
- 25% Video should adhere to the “10 Commandments of Media Arts.”
- 25% Video's title card and content should match the ongoing theme selected by the student for this semester.