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Media Arts, 1-5-2017

Warm-Up: Videos are meant to entertain, inform, and/or inspire. Pick one of your favorite videos (These can be from TV, Movie, YouTube, etc.) and write which of these categories fit. A video can be match more than one category, but explain your reasoning!

Today's Agenda

  1. Film Festival / Midterm
    1. Due in 7 days.
    2. NO LATE WORK!
    3. If you haven't started, you need to start rushing. Today.
  2. Weekly Video
    1. 25% Video should list what the student thinks are qualities that make a good movie.(You will NOT get credits for listing the “10 Commandments of Media Arts.”)
    2. Still needs to be 1-3 minutes. Script wisely.
  3. Headsets
    1. 10/15 have been delivered. Computers without headsets can still use the Snowball mics, but there's less wait time now.
    2. Background noise can still be an issue. Use indoor voices.
  4. Class Time
    1. Work on making your Film Festival projects PERFECT. You should be in or close to the editing stage now.
    2. Work on scripting this week’s Weekly Video.
    3. Go back and fix one of those two things, because everyone who has told me they were “done” this year later handed in something that was rushed and poorly done.