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5th Grade Commercial Storyboard

  • Today's assignment is to draw a storyboard for a 30 second commercial.
  • You can use any product for your commercial, but I'd prefer if you invented your own.
  • Storyboards and pencils are in the center of the room under the projector.
  • This assignment is due at the END OF CLASS. If you take it home, it's a zero.
4 3 2 1 Score
Main Idea Main idea is clearly evident. Main idea is evident with reservation. Main idea is somewhat evident. Main idea is not evident.
Dialogue Dialogue and/or written explanations are placed where appropriate. Dialogue and/or written explanations are placed appropriately in most instances. Dialogue and/or written explanations are placed appropriately in some instances. Dialogue and/or written explanations are not evident.
Storyline Storyline includes a clear reference to product and purchasing information. Storyline includes a slight reference to product and purchasing information. Storyline includes a subtle reference to product and/or purchasing information. Storyline is not evident.
Sequences of Events Sequences of events are clearly illustrated. Sequences of events are illustrated with one or two errors. Sequences of events are somewhat illustrated. Sequences of events are not evident.