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Media Arts, 12-19-2016

Warm-Up: Check your current grade in SchoolMax. Decide what needs to be done to improve that grade. Progress Reports go home on Wednesday.


  1. ELO
      1. DO NOT plan on staying after school with me this Thursday.
      2. Have a relaxing Winter Break.
  2. Revised MP3s
    1. Currently grading them
    2. 5 left ungraded.
    3. Will enter into SchoolMax as they are completed.
  3. Major Videos
    1. Lip syncers earned 20/50 for their lack of effort.
      1. Seriously.
      2. You were asked to storyboard this out. If you thought something that could be shown with a single drawing was worth more than 40% of a project grade, you thought wrong.
  4. Film Festival
    1. Midterm (100 point Assessment)
    2. Due January 13th.
      1. That's 3 school days before the end of Q2.
      1. I literally will not have time to grade any late submissions before I have to submit Report Card grades.
      2. If you wait until the last minute, expect a zero.
    4. If you are resubmitting something I graded this year, but you don't make it better, IT WILL EARN A LOWER GRADE DUE TO YOUR LACK OF EFFORT!
    5. Making something new? Storyboard it out or you're not going to do well.
  5. Due 12/23/2016
    1. Revised Major Video (If applicable)
    2. Homework (Social issue)