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Media Arts 12-13-2016

Warm-Up: Check your Progress Report grades. If you finish early, work on something I can grade. I cannot grade conversation. We will begin class at 2:40.


  1. Revised Essays
    1. Currently grading them
    2. Almost done (7 essays left)
    3. Will enter into SchoolMax when finished.
  2. Progress Reports
    1. If your grade is low, consider how often you are off task in this room.
    2. Consider how much effort is put into pre-production.
    3. Consider how much effort is put into resubmitting projects.
    4. Consider ELO.
    5. Consider how often you did or did not ask for help.
    6. Consider whether you take feedback to heart or repeat the same mistakes.
  3. Donors Choose
    1. 15 Headset Microphones
      1. FUNDED!
      2. Arrive in early January
    2. New computer
      1. In progress
  4. New Computers
    1. We have 7 of them.
    2. All have HitFilm 4 Express.
      1. Almost never crashes. (I've never seen it crash.)
      2. Handles HD video without problems.
      3. Easier to use than OpenShot
    3. I've recorded two tutorials (so far):
      1. Basics (Import, trim, add text, export)
      2. Effects (Chroma Key, Transitions, etc.)
    4. Ask to use one if you want to use HitFilm.
  5. Due 12/16/2016
    1. Revised MP3 (If applicable)
    2. Major Video
    3. Homework (Jump Cut)
  6. Due 12/23/2016
    1. Revised Major Video (If applicable)
    2. Homework (Social issue)
  7. Due 2/15/2017
    1. Film Festival Entries
    2. Teacher's responsibility to submit them
    3. Four videos per teacher