Warm-Up: Find a song in the YouTube Audio Library that you like AND is not under a Creative Commons license. I'm building a playlist of music for us to listen to during class time. You are allowed to submit more than one song, BUT I need the song name and the artist name.
Off task behavior
- If you're bored, you aren't making your project be about things that you actually enjoy.
- Only you can fix that.
- Revised Essays
- Parent Emails & resubmissions are DUE TODAY.
- Scripts
- Should be 1-2 minutes about why you want to be a Media Arts major.
- Shouldn’t have common answers like “I like technology/video games/movies…”
- Revise it if it needs it.
- Recordings
- Nothing should get between your dialogue and your audience.
- Background noise
- Flubbed lines
- Mumbling
- Storyboards
- Video is DUE DECEMBER 16TH.
- Fail to plan and you plan to fail. (That's why you have a storyboard.)
- Plan to have a mix of video/still images/text. Too much of any one thing will bore your audience.
- Homework
- DUE TODAY: Video should be silent EXCEPT FOR an off-camera narrator and YouTube Audio Library soundtrack.
- This should be done or mostly done if you’ve been paying attention.
- DUE DECEMBER 16TH: Video should use a series of jump cuts to condense a longer passage of time into a shorter video.
- Jump cuts explained: https://vimeo.com/60581880
- Showing someone thinking or waiting is boring.
- Making, organizing, cleaning, or practicing something is less boring.
- DUE TODAY: Video should be silent EXCEPT FOR an off-camera narrator and YouTube Audio Library soundtrack.