Warm-Up: List five techniques, strategies, effects, etc. that you have seen AND LIKED in student videos. You do not need to say whose video included those things.
- Essays
- Student Review
- Final Drafts
- Next Step
- Video Editing
- Pacing
- The opposite of an engaged audience is no audience.
- Don't make your audience wait to be entertained.
- Audio
- Other conversations
- Fans
- TVs/Radios/etc.
- Traffic
- Phones
- Dialogue
- Is it loud enough?
- Is it clear enough?
- Soundtrack
- Does it fit the mood?
- Ambiance
- Ambient sounds set the scene.
- Recorded on location or added in post-production.
- Video
- Lighting
- Avoid bright lights in frame.
- Avoid recording in dark areas.
- Avoid built-in flash.
- Composition
- Subject
- Background
- Lighting
- Pacing