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Media Arts 11/18/2016

Warm-Up: Prepare for Kahoot, remembering that lack of respect will result in the Kahoot being canceled. and the last time the class as a whole couldn't behave you were assigned a 1,000 word essay. Choose your behavior wisely, as the punishment this time would have to be something more severe than 1,000 words.


  1. Argument Videos
    1. Due Tuesday of next week.
    2. Hand in today if you want feedback before it's due.
  2. Essays
    1. Comments will be added this weekend.
    2. Working outside of class is strongly recommended. Some of you have already been doing this.
    1. New Minecraft programming activities.
    2. Control mob behavior & send character "on an adventure."
    1. Rules
    2. Kahoot
    3. Reason for THIS Kahoot
  5. Homework Critique
    1. Nonspecific Answers = 0
    2. Duplicate Answers = 0
    3. Answers that don’t say HOW TO IMPROVE = 0