This project may be completed by the following students:
1st Year Media Arts Majors.
2nd Year Media Arts Majors.
3rd Year Media Arts Majors.
Technology Concepts Students.
It is strongly suggested that you complete the Photo Presentation project first.
The Photo Presentation project is about showcasing selected photos, a thing you will have to do for this project. If you have to do it anyway, you might as well get a grade for it.
Movement in a still photo cannot truly be shown, but it can be implied in more than one way:
Motion blur - One of the more common ways to imply motion, this blur occurs when something in the shot is moving too fast for the camera's shutter speed to record it clearly. If you do not have a way to directly slow down your camera's shutter speed, you can do so indirectly by lowering your camera's ISO and/or taking your photo in a slightly darker environment. (source)
Pose - in this case motion is implied because something or someone in the shot is arranged in such a way that the viewer assumes they were in motion at the time the photo was taken. This frequently includes some motion blur as well, but for this assignment you will need to separate them. A good way to do this is to be in a well lit area with a stabilized camera and a high shutter speed. (source)
Armed with the information covered in the Pre-Production section, take a significant number of photos of a wide variety of subjects and locations.
Attempt to get the non-blurred shots completed first, as they may be more difficult.
Motion blurs can frequently happen by accident, but for this assignment you should try to emphasize their significance to a point where the assumption will not be that the blurs were a coincidence or mistake.
IMPORTANT: If you have received permission to use your phone, check your settings to make sure it's saving images as JPG files, not HEIC files! HEIC has some benefits, but it is a proprietary format that you may not be able to display properly for critiques!
This is a 2 week assignment. Do not attempt to take all of these in 30 minutes as you will severely limit yourself.
Review your photos.
Remove the photos that do not match the rubric's requirements from consideration. This will make the next step easier. (They might still be great photos, but there's more to this assignment than just handing in nice looking pictures.)
For instances where you have multiple shots of the same setting and/or subject, select the one you think looks the best.
Repeat this process until you have at least 10 distinctly different photos that match the rubric requirements (5 motion blur, 5 pose only).
If you have less than 10 distinctly different photos that match the rubric requirements (5 motion blur, 5 pose only), shoot more photos that do not include the same settings/subjects you previously used.
As the rubric does not allow editing the images for this assignment, upload your 10 selected images and hand them in.
25% Minimum of 5 photos that are .jpg image files and have implied motion through the use of a motion blur.
25% Minimum of 5 ADDITIONAL photos that are .jpg image files and have implied motion because of the positioning of the subject(s) INSTEAD OF motion blurs.
25% All photos submitted for this project are of different subjects and/or settings. (DO NOT JUST TAKE 10 PHOTOS OF THE SAME THING AND HAND THEM IN!)
25% Photos have not been cropped or otherwise edited.
(If your photos are square, it will be assumed you cropped them.)