Core Projects

Project - Festival Entry 3: Post-Production

This project may be completed by the following students:

M1 1st Year Media Arts Majors.

M2 2nd Year Media Arts Majors.

M3 3rd Year Media Arts Majors.



  1. Begin by reviewing your feedback from Festival Entry 2: Production. Do any changes need to be made? Do any scenes need to be re-shot?
  2. Make sure you have all of the notes, name spellings, and citations needed before continuing forward.
    1. Mr. Smith likes to type everything up in a document before copy/pasting it into a title or credits, as not every video editor has a spellchecker.
    2. Links that are particularly long make horrible citations. You can make them easier to read by using a URL shortener. Two that tend to not be blocked by PGCPS include and


  1. Re-shoot any scenes that need to be redone. Even big name movies have redone scenes months after production was otherwise finished because something wasn't right or the director changed their mind about something.


  1. Your scenes should all be in the right order after Festival Entry 2: Production, but some adjustments will still need to be made.
    1. Add a title and credits. (Did you use a URL shortener to make your citations easier?)
    2. Replace any scenes that you re-shot.
    3. Go through and trim off the beginning of each clip where the cast are waiting to be told to start and the end of each clip where the camera operator is looking for the button to stop the recording.
    4. Cut out any flubs, misspoken lines, or any other content that gets in the way of the "flow" of the plot.
    5. Add any special effects that you had planned, including but not limited to chroma key, lower thirds, sound effects, music, and/or transitions.
      1. (Try to use transitions sparingly. When overused, they can distract your audience from the plot.)
  2. Export your Final Cut (Include "FinalCut" in the file name so you don't confuse it with other edits!) and hand it in with your planning documents.
    1. Yes, this means you're handing your current drafts of your script AND storyboard in again.


