Core Projects

Project - Digital Citizenship 4: Interland Review

This project may be completed by the following students:

TC Technology Concepts Students.


  1. Pre-Production

    1. Play and complete the four levels in Interland.
      1. Kind Kingdom
      2. Reality River
      3. Mindful Mountain
      4. Tower of Treasure
    2. For each level, write down what the level was meant to teach, what you think went well, and what you think could be done to make the level better.
    3. Take your notes and turn them into a script.
      1. Time yourself as you read your script out loud.
        1. If it takes less than 2:30 to read it, you should add more content. (RELEVANT CONTENT, not filler, digressions, or a plan to just read more slowly with 2 minutes of credits.)
        2. If it takes you more than 5 minutes to read it, you should cut parts of it out.
          1. Remember to not cut out anything required by the rubric, but you might have to shorten something.
    4. Get your script approved by your teacher. They may have advice to make the recording/editing process easier.
  2. Production

    1. Record your script.
      1. This project requires audio content, but it CAN include video as well.
  3. Post-Production

    1. Open your recording in an editor. Look for anything that should be removed to improve the quality of the recording.
      1. Long pauses
      2. Misspoken words
      3. "um," "er," "well," etc.
    2. Add thematically appropriate background music.
    3. Add b-roll if appropriate.
      1. This could be to break up a long clip to add some visual variety or to hide a cut where something was removed, but it should ALWAYS relate to the dialogue.
    4. Be sure to use credits at the end of your video to give thanks to anyone who helps you create it.
      1. This includes YOU! YOUR NAME should be in the credits!
      2. This includes ALL CITATIONS for work not created by you!
        1. If your teacher cannot quickly and easily find the media you added using your citation as a guide, you will not get credit for your citations.
        2. This is easy to do, but being too lazy to do it WILL cost you 25% of your grade.
    5. Export your completed video and upload it with a copy of your approved script.


