Other Projects

Project - Build Your Own Rubric

This project may be completed by the following students:

M2 2nd Year Media Arts Majors.

M3 3rd Year Media Arts Majors.


  1. Pre-Production

    1. It is strongly advised that you do not work on this project until 2nd Quarter at the earliest.
    2. Look over the various projects already available for this course.
    3. Make a short list of project topics that you wish were available.
    4. Select one of these topics and create a rubric proposal. The proposal will have 4 rubric line-items.
      • The Citation/Copyright item being non-negotiable. You are not permitted to submit a proposal that allows for art theft.
      • TOPIC: Use a single sentence to describe what your project will be about.
      • QUANTITY: Projects should have some limiting factor. A critique day where someone brings in a 3 hour video will not go over well. If your idea is for a video, give it a minimum TRT and a maximum TRT. If it's not a video project, use a different method to measure how much content is included.
      • QUALITY: This is usually the hardest part of the rubric to complete. How will the class know you put effort into this assignment?
        1. The difficulty is that quality can be highly subjective. Just ask different adults how they feel about puns.
        2. Ideally, your rubric should have a way of determining the quality of the work objectively, as opposed to subjectively.
        3. Examples:
          • The animated character's words will sync with their lip movements.
          • The puppeteer arms will never appear in any of the shots.
    5. Show your proposal to your Media Arts teacher for feedback.
      • Most rubric 1st drafts require revisions.
      • Understand that your Media Arts teacher has been doing this for some time and accept their guidance when revising your proposal.
      • Do not begin working on your project UNTIL your rubric is approved. Required changes may render any previously done work unusable for the assignment.
      • When your rubric is approved, begin working on your project.
  2. Production

    1. The work done in this phase depends on your approved rubric proposal.
  3. Post-Production

    1. The work done in this face depends on your approved rubric proposal.
    2. When your project is complete, export/render/share it as a file version other students can see and hand it in along with your approved rubric.


The rubric listed here is the template from which the student will create their own project, with the teacher's guidance. The final, approved version will need to be submitted with the completed assignment.

